Welcome to the Association OPEN DOOR

The Association Open Door exists to encourage the practical exchange of cultural information
and experience between French and English-speaking people residing permanently or part-time
in the Limousin and surrounding areas.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held in the Salle d'Associations, St. Pardoux-Morterolles,

27 October 2016

Present: Peter Edmondson (President), Dany Tresmontan (Acting Treasurer), Carol Bartnik, Doug Craig, Joelle Commencini (Mayor's delegate), Heather Norman, Delphine Carrier, Bev Gration, David Coles, Bernard Bonnavaud, Dominique Bonnavaud, Sylvie Aubert, David Sambrook, Jean Sambrook, Lita Richards.


Apologies: Helen Wells (Secretary), Christine Moshy, Stephen Gee, Christine Gee, Hilary Seeley, David Lewis, Eve Barlow, Mike Barlow, Gary Corfield,  Fiona Hales, Bernard Laborde (Mayor).


President's Report: The president's report - outlining the history of Open Door and the English library, the support received from the commune and the voluntary work of several notable individuals, together with his proposals for the association's continued development – was unanimously accepted.


Treasurer's Report: The president thanked Mme Tresmontan for taking over the role of Treasurer and presented the income and expenditure account for the year ending 31 Dec 2015 which was unanimously accepted. He also updated the meeting of the association's financial position at 30 Sept 2016 which showed a bank balance of  €389.26. The acting treasurer pointed out that the association's insurance for 2017 would be around €150 and payable in January.


Election of the General Committee (Conseil d'Administration): The president explained that, under the Open Door constitution, the General Committee consisted of between 9 and 13 elected members with the mayor as an Honorary Member. Seven of the eight founder members of the association were prepared to continue on the committee and he proposed that they be elected en-bloc. This was unanimously agreed. Two other members were proposed – Heather Norman and Bernard Bonnavaud – and they, too, were unanimously elected. The General Committee for 2017/2018 therefore comprises Peter Edmondson, Helen Wells, Carol Bartnik, Dany Tresmontan, Doug Craig, Bev Gration, Hilary Seeley, Heather Norman and Bernard Bonnavaud with four further vacancies available, for which  it was agreed the committee could co-opt from the general membership.


Election of Officers (Bureau): The president proposed that, in view of the number of committee members who would be unavailable for a meeting in the near future, election of officers by the general committee should be conducted by email. This was agreed unanimously.


Meeting closed at 7.30